On a heads-up flop of [2d6c6s], Aditya Duttagupta checked to Benoit Vallieres who bet 65,000 into the pot of over 100,000.
Duttagupta made the call and the two continued to the turn [Js]. Duttagupta checked again to Vallieres, who tanked for around thirty seconds before announcing all-in. Duttaguptaquickly tossed out a chip to call and tabled [JsJh] for top full house.
Vallieres (along with the rest of the table) groaned as he flipped over [QdQs], drawing to 2 outs.
Unfortunately for him, the river was the [10h] and his stack was pushed over to Duttagupta while he made his way to the payout desk.
Duttagupta - 1,050,000
