On a three-way flop of [Js3hKd], the first player checked, Trung Pham bet 5,000, and Dusti Smith raised to 15,500. The first player quickly got out of the way while Pham made the call to see the [6d] peel on the turn.
Pham checked, Smith continued for 27,500, and Pham called.
When the river hit the [9s], Pham checked once more and Smith fired for 31,500, sending Pham into the tank.
After a considerable amount of time, the clock was called on Pham but he then made the call soon after, which resulted in Smith mucking her cards.
Pham then showed [Ks2h] for a pair of kings as he scooped in the pot.
Smith - 85,000
Pham - 315,000