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Neilsen (8th-$11,300) & Nelson (7th- $13,660) Fall to Lopez Jr. in Double Knockout

On a three-way flop of [7hJdKd], Clinton Nelson led out for 575,000 and then Juan Lopez Jr. moved all in for around 4 million. The action was then on Lance Nielsen who thought about it for a while and then announced he was all in for less and Nelson quickly made the call behind to put himself at risk as well.

Lopez then confidently flipped over [JcJh] for middle set and Nielsen tabled [5d7d] for a pair and a flush draw.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be that strong, at least I hope my diamonds are good,"

"They are not," Nelson confirmed as he flipped over [Ad8d] for the nut flush draw, which left Nielsen drawing stone dead.

"Come on, hold baby!" Lopez Jr. shouted as the turn was the [Ac] to give Nelson a meaningless pair of aces.

The river then came the brickies brick in the deck, the [2s], and a loud "SHIPP ITT" could be heard throughout the room as Lopez Jr. scooped the massive pot and busted both players in the process.

Juan Lopez Jr.: 9,600,000

Lance Nielsen: 0

Clinton Nelson: 0


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