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Flight G: Regretful Fold for Yen

Tzu 'Jerry' Yen opened to 13,000 from under-the-gun and Badr Imejjane made the call to his left, but then David Vu moved all in for around 65,000. Then Kenneth Warner moved all in behind for 170,000 total and action folded back around to Yen, who went into the tank.

"Ugh... FOLD," he announced as he and Imejjane folded their hands, with Yen showing pocket sevens, which got a reaction from the table, especially when both players then flipped over ace-king.

When the dealer set out the flop, an ace appeared in the window and Yen was relieved to have folded, but not when the card behind it came a seven and he received another round of good-natured bullying from the table.

The board ran out brick-brick for Vu and Warner to chop up the pot and left Yen shaking his head.


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