The field has now been cut down to 18, and the remaining players have had their seats redrawn for the final two tables as follows:
Table 1:
Michael Nawrocki: 270,000
Wladimir Schlosser: 360,000
Randy Ball: 425,000
Adedayo Fadeyi: 80,000
Thomas Ellis: 71,000
Shawn Calvit: 62,000
Lawrence Lazar: 315,000
Jeffery Thomas: 149,000
Carlton Bowling: 157,000
Table 4:
Kris Burchfield: 31,000
Aclee Dudley: 238,000
Clif Jackson: 184,000
Kenneth Kessler: 172,000
Yogesh Satra: 222,000
David Summers: 185,000
Mark Eickenhorst: 37,000
Clayton Moore: 378,000
Princeton Lewis: 410,000