With the elimination of Shane Gable in 25th place, the remaining 24 players have been redrawn into the final three tables as follows:
Table 15:
Rick Welch: 1,600,000
Karen Robison: 520,000
Juan Lopez Jr.: 1,770,000
Patrick Megna: 1,250,000
Bryson Byrd: 1,100,000
Lance Nielsen: 775,000
Steven Lee: 400,000
Juan Paulino: 440,000
Table 16:
Dexter Baier: 1,700,000
Sean Hollifield: 440,000
Jason Holden: 315,000
Clinton Nelson: 775,000
Phu Vo: 2,500,000
Chris Staats: 190,000
Sanjeev Vora: 500,000
Billy Seber: 2,300,000
Table 22:
Derek Normand: 900,000
Thomas Hickner: 1,250,000
Cord Garcia: 3,200,000
Samuel Robison: 1,350,000
Thai Ha: 1,000,000
Matthew Bray: 1,040,000
Ziqi Qiao: 1,100,000
Yoosef Nasab: 1,500,000
