With the elimination of Kamaru Yusef in 25th place, the remaining 24 players have been re-situated at the final three tables of this flight. With only the final table advancing, there are still 16 players that need to hit the rail before we wrap up for the night.
Table 4:
Leighton Thompson: 165,000
Ben Thomas: 80,000
Ziqi Qiao: 545,000
Ryan Freeman:93,000
Samuel Cherfas:67,000
Matthew Bray:580,000
Table 12:
Tony Ho: 185,000
Kenneth Warner: 250,000
Sean Cha: 83,000
Chris Staats: 145,000
Toni Hamalainen: 220,000
Roger Frank: 190,000
Table 14:
Dexter Baier: 160,00
Julie Than: 305,000
Billy Seber: 110,000
Steven Lee: 150,000
Linh Nguyen: 150,000
Shawn Calvit: 278,000
Rafael Herrera: 375,000
