Adrian Curry opened to 9,000 under-the-gun and was called by Sanjeev Vora, Shawn Calvit, and Anthony Mender. The flop came out [4h4s6h] and action checked to Curry who then pushed all in for around 40,000. Vora paused for a few seconds to double-check his cards and then he also moved all in for less while the other two players tossed in their hands.
Sanjeev Vora: [Kd4d]
Adrian Curry: [As8c]
Curry could only hit running aces or eights to win the pot, and the turn [9d] immediately dashed his hopes and the pot was pushed to Vora as the river came the meaningless [2d].
"Do you ever lose an all-in?" tablemate Derek Normand joked to Vora as he raked in the chips for a double-up.