On a turn of [6sqc2d2c], Sanjeev Vora moved all in and his son, Neil Vora, snap-called to put him at risk.
Sanjeev flipped over [Kc10c] for a flush draw, but he was already drawing stone dead against Neil's [6c6d] for a full house. The river [6h] further improved him to quads for overkill and he scooped the pot while his father hit the rail.
On a heads-up flop of [8h10c9d], Jonathan Park leads for 7,000 but then Jaime Garcia raised it up to 40,000.
Park then went into the tank for a good bit, checking and re-checking his cards. After a good 30 seconds, he folded [KhKd] face-up, much to the surprise of the table.
Garcia then showed him he was, in fact, beat as he flipped over [8s9s] for two-pair and took down the pot.